Good News Letter



After MAJOR repairs to the hull, we launched the Polly-L on June 14, 2013.  After a couple of days of preparations, the Polly-L departed the Port of Green Cove Springs and headed south to the Port of Palm Beach, to provide our vessel as a platform for a core drilling company.  This project was completed and the Polly-L returned to the Port of Green Cove Springs on July 29th.  This job gave our Company some much needed revenue.

  • After returning to Green Cove Springs we were able to afford to purchase some much needed hydraulic equipment to repair and upgrade the jacking system of the Polly-L.  These repairs were completed and the Polly-L was once again, Mission Ready.|

    Then came what the Marine Weather Forecasters labeled, the worst string of weather fronts in recent history.  Each time we would prepare to move, the Polly-L to Amelia Island to work on our site, we would get another long fetch of strong northeast winds and high seas.

  • ​We landed a job to provide the Polly-L as a platform fireworks for a Thanksgiving night wedding, just offshore Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.  Again this gave our Company some much needed revenue.

  • In December 2013 we were approached, by a very energetic 31 year old gentleman by the name of Travis Cloyd, about the possibility of filming a pilot for a TV reality show about the Polly-L, Amelia Research & Recovery, LLC and many of our members.  He was very impressed with the vessel and we set up a meeting for him and his partner, Mark Sutcliffe of Posse Films.  They came and joined us for our weekly get together at the Maritime Museum the next Friday.  The Board of Managers was called to a special meeting, where Travis and Mark gave a very impressive presentation.  Then later that same day, the Board of Managers passed a resolution to sign a contract, allowing Posse Films to film and develop the pilot for presentation to the major networks.  The Board also adopted a resolution to raise the price of ARR membership unites from the current six dollars to ten dollars per membership unit, as soon as the present offering is sold out.  Please call Doug Pope at 904-838-6619 to discuss the purchase of some of these remaining membership units, at the six dollar price.

​​The filming began in mid-January and then Travis joined the Polly-L crew on January 24th, filming our activities as we departed GCS on January 25th through our arrival offshore the South end of Amelia Island.  He also filmed the excavation and diving operations on January 26th and 27th.  The filming of the pilot is completed and will be edited for presentation to several networks.  Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer.

Hope to see you all at the "Annual Members Meeting", at which time we should have further updates and will discuss these exciting times in more detail.

Our Time is Now!

Doug Pope, Managing Member